Digital Film PhotoCopy是一款运行在PS/AE/PR/Nuke/Resolve平台上的风格影印滤镜插件,Photocopy拥有特有的分析图像颜色,纹理和光的动作,通过杰作的DNA核心元素,就可以应用到你指定的图像中,颜色,色调和亮度将被复制,而质地,纹理和细节则进行模拟···
- Pick from 94 Academy Award nominated movies including Apocalypse Now, Blade Runner, Frankenstein, Gone with the Wind, King Kong and The Lord of the Rings
- Choose from 72 paintings from artists such as Cezanne, Chagall, Greco, Leonardo, Monet, Rembrandt, Renoir and Van Gogh to name a few
- Select from 40 photographs by various masters of photography including Abbott, Andreev, Cunningham, Fenton, Nadar, Outerbridge, Stieglitz and Weston
- Try one of 30 historical processes, some of which are Ambrotype, Cyanotype, Liquid Emulsion, Kallitype, Palladium, Salt Print, Vandyke and Wet Plate
- Search for images to copy using one of our many preset searches that include famous movies, painters, photographers, historical processes or do your own custom search
- 从一个图像复制关键属性,并将其应用到另一个
- 从你自己的图像创建的自定义预设
- 颜色,色调和亮度复制
- 纹理,纹理和细节仿真
- 添加一个小插曲的任何预设
- 预设或滑块修改图像
- 对于预置快速搜索
- 用于多个复印应用的分层系统
- 复杂但易于使用的屏蔽工具
- Adobe Photoshop CS5 and up (64 Bit Only)
- Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 and up (Non-app store version)
- Apple Photoshop Lightroom 3 and up
- Apple Aperture 3
- After Effects CS5 and up
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and up
- Apple Final Cut Pro X
- Avid Editing Systems (64 Bit only)
链接: 密码:k3yn