Arnold 渲染作品集合
Houdini To Arnold v3.2.2更新日志:
CopyToPoints and CopyTransform instancing fix (htoa#1159)
Houdini locks up during TX file generation (htoa#1151, core#7794)
AutoTX should consider texture search path (htoa#796)
Search path file choosers not accepting directories (htoa#1146)
Crash connecting FumeFX shader (htoa#1161)
Running AiMakeTx in parallel can consume too much memory (core#6376)
Arnold crashes when you try to write out render stats (core#7741)
Space transform screen space issue (core#7760)
Subdivs: per face iterations should be ignored if type is not BYTE (core#7763)
Crash when using polygon holes (core#7781)
Contour filter memory leak (core#7803)
Change error to warning when OSL output keyword is missing (core#7805)
maketx was not automatically doing –opaque-detect (core#7808)