Material Texture Loader是一个3dsMax的脚本,旨在快速加载纹理,创建材质并将其应用于场景。

- 根据名称约定自动为其材质通道创建具有正确伽玛输入的纹理
- 为创建的纹理链接位图和Triplanar Mapping和Coordinates
- 选择Standard,Vray,Corona,Redshift或Arnold纹理贴图和材质
- 轻松将材质应用于选定对象,材质编辑器或拖放功能
- 位图和材质的快速设置参数,例如Mapping Channel,IOR和Material ID
files: Added Material_Texture_Loader_v1.22.mse
files: Updated Install instructions
added: Physical Material support
added: Blended Box Mapping, triplanar mapping for Scanline and Physical materials
added: Color Correction nodes for diffuse channel
added: Flip green channel in Normal Map checkbox
change:Improved Metallic workflow for Specular materials, like Corona and Fstrom
fixed: Add textures, keeps already loaded textures
fixed: Add textures live updates channel selection
fixed: Material Name dialog size
fixed: Arnol material changes updated in the MTL
fixed: Bumpmap and Normalmap strength sliders work better.
fixed: Creating different materials of different types, would cause crashes
fixed: Correct normal used when having Standard bitmaps selected
兼容软件版本:3ds max 2016 – 2020 – 2021 -2022