Global Gallery画廊插件创建完全响应和适应快速的网站上的缓解功能,Global Gallery可以处理无限的图像来源,比如三廊布局,九灯箱,使用的设计是显示在每个布局,再加上它是全功能的滑动和旋转!
- 第一个画廊创作与WP图书馆
- 画廊与谷歌+图像(可能2015更新)
- 画廊:可湿性粉剂类、Flickr、Instagram
- 画廊:Pinterest,脸谱网,谷歌,500px
- 画廊:Tumblr,RSS,NextGen画廊
- 与Dropbox的公共文件夹的画廊
- 画廊与谷歌驱动器的公共文件夹
- 推特简介和标签
- 画廊画廊与全球画廊
- 自动画廊创作
- WP画廊一体化
- 画廊的类别
- 美术馆收藏
- 造型艺术馆
- 管理灯箱
- 短码向导
- 图像滑块
- 图像的旋转木马
- 使用水印
Global Gallery可以捕捉到的图像:
- WordPress的媒体库
- WordPress分类的文章
- 任何WordPress的自定义文章类型与分类相关的(如WooCommerce)
- 全球图库相册(通过FTP)
- Flickr
- 脸谱网的页面
- 谷歌
- 谷歌硬盘
- Dropbox
- 推特
- NextGen的插件画廊
- Tumblr的博客
- 500用户
v5.0 - release date 17/05/2016
- gallery layouts rebuilt from scratch and now detecting real time wrapper changes
- new overlay effects
- new connection hub for Google+, Google Drive, Facebook, Dropbox sources
- new Google Drive limitless integration with images search
- new facebook integration with limitless images fetching
- overhauled builder engine, PHP classes based and unified among sources
- instagram integration now fetches up to 100 images
- added: twitter integration fetching images from profiles and hashtags
- added: instagram integration using hashtags
- added: Simple Lightbox lightbox
- added: images outline
- added: collections category icons
- added: main overlay visibility behaviors
- added: two preset styles (light and dark minimal)
- added: noscript element added with fullsize image for SEO
- updated: Light Gallery lightbox
- updated: magnificPopup lightbox
- updated: colorbox lightbox
- updated: Isotope to v2
- fixed: collection'a wrapper height on gallery choice
- fixed: carousel alignment on resize
- fixed: image extension removed from fetched Google+ images
Demo: Demo
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链接: 密码:pbe3