文件大小:19 G 官方地址:DEMO 资源标签:贴图,建模,场景 |
次世代游戏曾经是高端游戏的代名词,仅仅呈现 在街机和高端电视游戏主机上,而跟着游戏环境软硬 件以及网络环境的高速发展,次世代游戏的规模现已 大大拓宽,网游次世代、手游次世代等说法也开端浮 现,可以说,在未来的游戏制造中,次世代游戏的开 发制造必将变成干流。
前期的游戏制造人员大多数都是依托自学来进行 游戏的创造,这需求常多的时刻和耐心。由于其时 游戏开发方面相关的材料常少,网络也欠发达,导 致每一个小问题都需求时刻研讨。
Summary of online game characters
Game development and game concepts
The development of the game
The types of games
An online characters from this generation
The concept of online games and single distinction
Online game role concept
Model making concept
The concept of
The concept of UV
The UV seams
The concept of UV uneven
Determined the UV mapping accuracy
Concept map
Commonly used tools
Cyberweapons production
Fire horse production instance
The original analysis and material collection
Model making
UV split and configuration
Female spirit production instance
Senior male role
Create a basic model
UV on and put
Texture mapping and skills
Skin and facial features, rounding
Skin overall profile
Facial features to make,
Hair production
Metallic parsing
The production of cloth
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