Adobe Creative Cloud的一份子Adobe Audition CC,在SSS看来是一个很有发展前景的软件,该程序允许我们创建最高级的主副本,编辑,混合,处理,并应用各种声音特效于一体的软件,此外AU还包含了中文版,自学起来SSS认为不是很困难,此版本为Mac苹果电脑和Win的双版本Audition CC。
Adobe Audition CC, part of the Adobe Creative Cloud, appears to SSS to be a promising software that allows us to create top-level master copies, edit, mix, process, and apply a variety of sound effects in one piece of software , AU also contains the Chinese version, self-learning SSS think it is not very difficult, this version of Mac Apple and Win’s dual version of Audition CC.