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Dungeon Architect v1.11 – Unity3D地下城建筑师编辑器


Dungeon Architect是一个Unity3D程序级的生成工具,它可以让我们在运行时和设计时使用强大的编辑器工具快速编写自己的地下城。


Dungeon Architect更新日志:

* Added a powerful node based Spatial Constraints system that opens up new possibilities for theming. More info here: https://goo.gl/FvUgt9
* Performance improvements on the theme editor
* Added samples to demonstrate spatial constraints
* Added a new comment node in the theme graph editor and the spatial graph editor
* Fixed a theme graph camera issue when no nodes were preset in the graph
* Major refactoring of the graph editor framework to make it easily extensible with other types of graphs
* Large houses in the simple city builder spawn only when they have road access
* Added terrain support on the navigation builder. This allows navigation mesh to be built on terrains that host the dungeons
* Added a PreDungeonBuilt and PreDungeonDestroy events to the event listener interface
* Added a new layout algorithm for building circular cities (Circular City Builder). Added a new demo in the samples folder (DungeonArchitect_Samples\DemoBuilder_CircularCity\Scenes)
* Added a road framework to create a road mesh around an arbitrary road network. This is used in the new CircularCityBuilder
* Added a rasterization framework to draw dungeon layout in a bitmap to influence the layout

下载页面包含的版本:Dungeon Architect 1.7.0,1.11



