Unity RTS引擎提供创建自己的RTS游戏和自定义所需的所有功能,它处理地图创建,派系,AI,建筑物,单位,战斗,任务,资源,UI,单人游戏,多人游戏等等!
- 创建和自定义唯一的地图。
- 通过分配一组独特的建筑物,单元,任务和限制来创建派系并自定义每个派系。
- 自定义NPC派系并完全控制他们的行为,从检查员设置多个难度级别,并在每次与NPC派系对战时获得不同的体验。
- 通过从检查员轻松调整AI相关组件并设置各种AI难度级别,在每个游戏中提供不同的体验,从而控制NPC派系决策过程的各个方面。
![RTS Engine 地图派系建设](http://iiidea.cn/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/RTS-Engine-02.jpg)
- 为各派系创建和定制不同类型的资源,以收集和使用它们来放置建筑物,发射任务和创建单位。
- 使资源收集者自动收集资源,或者在达到一定数量时让他们将资源收集在建筑物中。
- 在地图中添加Treasure对象,并奖励使用资源声明它们的阵营。
- 创建建筑物并使每个建筑物为该派系提供不同的任务:增加派系位置,攻击敌方单位,升级单位/其他建筑物,生成资源,传送单位,充当单位的藏身处等等。
- 通过添加健康状态和建筑状态,使建筑物通过隐藏/显示特殊效果和/或其模型的不同部分来显示其当前健康状态,从而进一步定制建筑物。
- 每个派系都在地图上有边界,允许派系利用资源并将建筑物放置在由边界定义的领土内。
- 在地图中启用边框,以允许派系在游戏中声明区域,并且能够专门放置建筑物并在其区域内收集资源或禁用边界以允许派系在游戏地图中自由行动。
产品页面: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/packs/rts-engine-79732
- Fixed an issue that makes a selected unit move when the player cancels placing a building.
- Fixed stopping the unit movement audio when it is destroyed.
- Fixed triggering error messages in the Movement Manager component.
- Fixed an issue where selected entities get deselected when moving the camera with the Minimap.
- Fixed an issue that occurs when updating NPC faction resources when they get a building center destroyed.
- Fixed an issue that occurs when a player unexpectedly leaves a multiplayer game.
- Fixed NPC Manager Editor component for not saving changes.
- Fixed triggering the take damage animation for units.
- Fixed hiding the source and target effect objects when a unit is dropping off their collected resources.
- Fixed sending unit group movement input commands in a multiplayer game.
- Fixed creating buildings with no given centers in multiplayer games.
- Fixed an issue with forcing building placement to be in range of resource types.
- Refactored the MinimapIconManager and MinimapIcon components and made them optional to use: Both now use the EffectObjPool component to pool minimap icon instances.
- Refactored the AttackWarningManager and AttackWarning components and made them optional to use: Both now use the EffectObjPool component to pool attack warning instances.
- Added the UnitDropOffStart and UnitDropOffComplete custom events.
- Updated the attack related components to allow units to attack even if they can’t move.
- Updated Building Placement by adding a field that determines how far the building needs to be from the ground terrain in order to be placed.
- Deprecated the Camera Movement component and replaced it with a new Camera Controller component (for the main camera) and a Minimap Camera Controller component (for the Minimap):
- Camera zooming doesn’t rely on changing the field of view value but rather the height of the camera.
- Added camera rotation with keyboard keys, mouse wheel and options to keep a fixed rotation when panning the camera.
- Added the option to the move the main camera when the player is dragging the mouse on the Minimap.
- Added new camera entity follow system that can iterate through the list of selected entities.
- Update the Fog of War asset integration package to make it work with the new camera controllers.