首页软件CG软件可视化游戏开发软件:Unity Pro 2018.2.16f1 + Addons

可视化游戏开发软件:Unity Pro 2018.2.16f1 + Addons


Unity Pro是一个非常强大的工具,可以让我们创建自己的可视化游戏,另外在互联网上我们可以找到大量的视频课程,这些课程明显有助于我们一步一步地执行所有必要的操作。

Unity Pro制作的电影预告

Unity Pro界面截图01


Unity Pro界面截图02

Unity Pro 2018.2.16f1更新日志:

AI: Fixed an issue with NavMeshObstacle carving that could create an unexpected boundary where one of the hull’s corners or edges sits precisely on a NavMesh polygon edge. (1078553, 1097930)
AI: Fixed RemoveAllNavMeshData() not waiting for NavMeshObstacles to finish carving, causing a crash. (1075239)

Android: Fixed wrong path returned by IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject.OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject during project export.
Android: Increased JVM heap size from 2gb to 4gb. (969563)

Asset Import: Fixed scripts that are in special folders like Assets/Plugins/Android/ not being ignored during compilation. (1092532)
Asset Import: Fixed the import of the root node rotation for assets with a shared avatar. (1077942, 1095518)

Audio: Fixed FMOD shutdown to avoid a deadlock, which could causes freezes on Android. (1046752, 1087597)
Cache Server: Fixed duplicate downloads of assets from Cache Server. (1084628)
IL2CPP: Add support for CultureInfo in WebGL when exceptions are disabled. (1083520)
IL2CPP: COM Callable Wrappers for managed arrays now implement IReferenceArray interface. This fixes cases where Windows Runtime APIs expected objects to implement this interface, and if they don’t, they report errors such as “Data of this type is not supported.” and “Error trying to serialize the value to be written to the application data store”. (1054327)
IL2CPP: Fixed a call to GetGenericArguments on a MethodInfo not working for an inflated generic type. (1087317)
IL2CPP: Fixed COM Objects representing Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction and Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation getting destroyed after converting them to System.Threading.Tasks.Task via “AsTask” extension method. (1086209)
IL2CPP: Fixed Debug.WriteLine() not implemented. (1088770)
IL2CPP: Fixed Marshal.SizeOf not supported for types with a generic base class when the base class does not use the generic type in any field. (1083239)

iOS: Added iPhone XR/XS/XS Max resolutions to Game View.
iOS: Fixed wrong Screen.safeArea on iPhone on Start(). (1085662)
PS4: Fixed render target clear with solid color wasn’t cleared properly under Scriptable render pipeline. (1096478)
Shaders: Fixed loading shaders from AssetBundles that were created in 2017.2 not being allowed.. (1096787)
Revision: 39a4ac3d51f6




