资源版本:V0.3 官方地址:DEMO 资源标签:海洋模拟,Cinema 4D |
Cinema 4D R14/R18海洋模拟插件HOT4D V0.3信息:
HOT4D允许您创建看起来真实的动力学海洋,HOT意味着Houdini海洋工具包,它是由Drew Whitehouse基于Jerry Tessendorf论文创建的Houdini动力学插件,它允许您创建一个看起来像深海的表面,我决定几乎“复制/粘贴”代码,以允许cinema4D的用户访问此工具。
该插件在alpha阶段,这意味着所有功能尚未实现或将被删除,只兼容Cinema 4D R14以上仅64位,Windows 7和OSX
A new fields and two slider that will help a lot to create the foam.
You can now use the restriction tag on HOT.
You will have access to the shader that will allow you to create a vertex displacement map on both world and tangent space. (the tangent space will work only with R14)
Cinema4D should not crash if you move hot from object to object with vertex map attached. (but the vertex map will not be updated anymore)