Substance Painter是一款3D材质软件,可纹理制作,渲染和三维结合工作,使用该软件,可以使用一套完整的纹理工具,例如:PBR和粒子绘图,具有透明度控制的画笔,材质和智能蒙版的程序效果。
Substance Painter 2019 游戏作品展示
Substance Painter是一款全新的3D设计,可为我们以前从未见过的现代游戏创建质感,该软件可作为最具创新性和用户友好的3D材质绘图之一,选择画笔,选择材质并根据需要进行编辑,然后开始绘画,每个动作一次应用于所有通道并立即渲染,还可以在4K分辨率下为每个地图设计网格中的多种材质。
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Substance Painter 材质视频展示
Substance Painter 2019.1更新日志:
Release date: 2019/04/23
Summary: Dynamic Stroke with dedicated new content, Displacement and Tessellation in real-time and Iray, Compare Mask effect, Radial symmetry, Planar and Spherical projection
[Tool] Dynamic stroke: Substance variation alongside a brush stroke
[Dynamic stroke] Expose new stamp index parameter with options
[Dynamic stroke] Take into account $time parameter
[Dynamic stroke] Generate new $randomseed parameter per stroke and per stamp
[Dynamic stroke] Start a dynamic stroke index from a random number
[Dynamic stroke][Shelf] Help finding a dynamic stroke resource with dedicated new icon
Displacement and tessellation in real-time viewport
Displacement and tessellation in Iray
[Shader settings][UI] New tab for controlling displacement and tessellation
[Layer stack] New CompareMask effect: generate a mask by comparing two channels
[Layer stack][UI] New entry in right-click menu “Add mask with height combination” to insert a CompareMask effect
[Symmetry] New symmetry mode: radial painting
[Symmetry settings] Expand both sections “Settings” and “Display”
[Symmetry settings][UI] Preview for radial painting
Expose two new projection modes: planar and spherical
[Proj] New shape crop mode for all projections
[Proj] Planar mode with new manipulator: Surface tool
[Proj][Shortcut] Shortcut SHIFT+W for Surface tool
[Proj] Planar projection masking with depth culling and backface culling
[Manipulator] Improvment of rotation manipulator on all three axes for triplanar
[Tool][UX] Alt-clicking on a channel focuses that channel (enables it or disables all others)
[Engine] Update to latest version of Substance Engine
[Texture set] Multiple selection and change resolution
[Texture set] Quick activation and deactivation of the texture sets
[Texture set] Combine solo and all options into a new menu
[Texture set][Layer stack] New icon for activation and deactivation
[Layer stack][UX] Insert effects above those already selected
[Layer stack][UI] Rework layer stack view selection style
[Layer Stack] Blending mode for instanced layers is now in Pass Through mode by default
[Export] Option to activate and deactivate dithering
[Plugin] Support precision modifier for sliders (SHIFT)
[Plugin][UI] New icon for autosave
[Scripting] List the contents of a folder
[Scripting] Allow deletion of files
[Scripting] Read all stack information including used resources
[Content][Dynamic stroke] New tools and brush presets
[Content][Dynamic stroke] Two new procedural gradients: Gradient Hue and Gradient Builder
[Content] 11 new Filters: MatFx Peeling Paint, MatFx Water Drops and more
[Content] 7 new generators: Auto Stitcher, UV Random Color, UV Texel Density and more
[Content] 93 new alphas: new texts, arrows and various other shapes
[Content] 2 new procedurals: Gradient Hue, Gradient Builder and more
[Content] 21 new Tool and Brush presets for Dynamic Strokes : Pebbles, Footprints, Spray and more
[Content] 2 New HDRis: Canopus Ground and Autumn Forest
[Content] Update content with random seed curation in shelf
[Content] New icon with exposed random seed parameter in shelf
[Layers stack] Layer stack keeps dragging forever
[Mac] “Show in Finder” can lead to freezing
[Scripting] Settings saved via Custom UI are lost if shader file is moved
[Scripting] API version number is incorrect and not up to date
[Effect] Histogram content is not displayed correctly
[Effect] Histogram effect does not update in some cases
[Shelf] Stitches are not properly aligned on material “Plastic Fabric Pyramid”
Known Issues:
Double clicking texture set name will select it before entering renaming mode
[Layer Stack][UI] Toggling a mask with SHIFT can select multiple layers at the same time