Unity Technologies最近发布了其最新版本的实时引擎,其中包含280多项新功能和改进,包括更新的Scriptable Render Pipeline,Shader Graph,GPU Lightmapping以及对High Definition Render Pipeline和Post Production Stack的一些更改。


Linux用户将很高兴在这里可以预览兼容版本的Unity Editor。

Android: Fixed black bar shown on Android9+ devices without notch when in non-fullscreen mode. (1144669, 1148770)
Android: Fixed occasional crash on Moto G when using split binary and loading Asset Bundles from StreamingAssets. (1145139, 1150054)
Asset Pipeline: Asset Bundles – Fix non-deterministic data in asset bundle when using Prebake Collision Mesh. (1116173, 1133370)
Audio: Fixed clip preview autoplay in the object selector. (1126745, 1151363)
Audio: Fixed crash when creating Presets of AudioManager settings and then modifying AudioManager. (1141203, 1151367)
Build Pipeline: Fixed AssetBundles being build differently on each rebuild when “Prebake Collision Mesh” option is on. (1116173, 1133370)
Editor: Fix GameObject preview flickering on mac (1132433, 1150247)
Editor: Fixed attempting to move an entire light probe group ends up selecting a single probe instead. (1115849, 1144908)
Editor: Fixed mouse position in new Input System on mac editor. (1145645, 1151369)
Editor: Fixed the preview pane in the object selector.
Editor: Fixed UI value synchronization for audio mixer send effects. (1139634, 1151365)
GI: Fixed we don’t check if a point is behind the camera or not. These point should not be included in the selection. (1129856, 1143127)
GI: Total Bake Time is shown as 0:00:00 in Progressive Lightmapper when Prioritize View is disabled. (1095980, 1143691)
Graphics: Fixed bug when SRVs were not correct for Texture2DMSArrays. (1130212, 1145304)
Graphics: Fixed crash in CameraStackRenderingState::ReleaseResources when exiting play mode. (969092, 1151379)
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