Amplify Shader Editor是Unity一种基于行业领先软件的基于节点的材质编辑器插件,它提供了一个熟悉的开发环境,无缝地融合了Unity的UI和Shader的使用,可以从Amplify Creations获得满意的质量和灵活性,需要Unity 5.4.5或更高版本。
![Amplify Shader Editor](
- 着色器模板
- 着色器功能
- 自定义节点API
- 定制照明支持
- LOD交叉淡入淡出支持
- 实例支持
- 包含外部着色器文件的选项
- 着色器变体
- Unity 5.5 / 2017支持
- 放大纹理2支持
- 半透明和传输
- 视差映射
- 视差遮挡映射
- 基于距离的细分
- 其他节点和样本
- 模板缓冲区支持
- 多窗口支持
- 额外的着色器功能
* New Templates:
* Added templates for Universal Rendering Pipeline
* Packed inside AmplifyShaderEditor\Plugins\EditorResources\Templates\USRPTemplates.unitypackage
* New Shader Function:
* Non Stereo Screen Pos
* Converts a VR screen position into a non-VR one
* Improvements:
* Added support for pragma options to the template system
* When switching between shader type the connections with the same port name are kept intact
* Custom inspector for SRP 7.X is now detected automatically and upgraded from previous versions
* Templates master nodes now display the shader name in their title for better consistency
* Unity global variables used as inline properties on templates are now registered so they can be correctly maintained over the final shaders
* Added LOD Cross Fade into Lightweight RP templates
* Added Inherit type into precision popup and made sure most nodes can now compile with the proper precision type
* Some nodes have a specific precision on purpose
* Improved ‘Diffusion Profile’ node behavior
* Added material property attribute
* Updated source code able to create profile properties in HDRP 7.X
* Tweaked Lightweight templates
* Pragma tag now after native includes
* Removed unused _MainTex_ST variable from Meta pass
* Shader Properties can now be fully rewritten through template options(API)
* Added Vulkan to Standard Surface Rendering Platforms
* Added new internal console inside shader canvas to more easily check ASE