Auto Rig Pro为动画制作者和装配者提供了一个经过验证的工作流程,用于制作电影和提供Unity和虚幻引擎支持,必须使用Blender 2.78c或以上,而建议2.79。

All features have been ported to Blender 2.8 API.
[WARNING!] 3.41 is currently a beta version: it means it’s not ready yet, there may be bugs, crashes. Especially since Blender 2.8 itself is still in beta stage!
It should not be used for production and serious projects. It’s only for testing and experiments, for informed users who want to play with the rigs in Blender 2.8. The latest stable release is the 3.40 version for Blender 2.79, download and use it for production usage.
New or improved:
- Rig: New “Empty” armature to build a rig from scratch, instead of starting from a biped/quadruped basis. New button to add limbs. New button to adjust the selected limb parameters.
- Rig: Disabling a spine bone no more disables the neck and head limbs as well
- Rig: Ears bones amount can now be adjusted
- Rig: Neck bones amount of duplicated necks can now be adjusted
- Rig: The auto-eyelid rotations are now constrained to avoid aberrant angles
- Rig: Update Armature now show an informative line to warn the user to click Match to Rig afterward
- Picker: Errors are now better handled, if the target bone is not found or a bone shape is missing, the error is skipped
- Fbx Export: Actions can now selectively be removed before exporting
- Fbx Export: Root motion option is now available for Universal type
- Fbx Export: Added Primary and Secondary bones axis selection
- Fbx Export: The simplify value is now set to 0.05 by default, to avoid rotation issues of IK chains.
- Fbx Export: Some single limbs could prevent export to work
- Fbx Export: “Fix Fbx Bones Rotations” could lead to issues
- Fbx Export: Renaming for UE and exporting the tail as humanoid could lead to wrong parenting
- Fbx Export: Exporting only the armature now adds a dummy mesh for correct export
- Fbx Export: Multiple ears bones are now exported as Humanoid
- Fbx Export: New “Fix Bones Matrix” checkbox in rare cases of incorrect bones rotations export
- Rig: The ear bones could not be disabled, breast bones did not deform by default
- Rig: With scene units set to 0.01, the legs bones could be defective
- Remap: Cancelling the Redefine Rest Pose could not work as expected, fixed the copy bones orientations feature
- Remap: Improved Auto-Scale feature