Dungeon Architect是一个Unity3D程序级的生成工具,它可以让我们在运行时和设计时使用强大的编辑器工具快速编写自己的地下城。
Unity地下城建筑师Dungeon Architect操作界面
Unity地下城建筑师Dungeon Architect展示界面
Dungeon Architect更新日志:
* Made compatible with .NET 4
* Fixed physics issues with 2018.2
* Mesh Combining framework
* Async Build Support
* Infinite dungeon building framework
* Infinite Cave Builder (with Async Building)
* Maze builder (Experimental)
* Room designer framework (Early WIP)
* Theming engine code is isolated to a separate reusable library
* Changed the underlying datastructures that store the markers, to allow for custom filter passes on the stored markers
* Fixed a GUI style bug that was changing the font colors of the rest of the unity UI system
* Theme Override volumes can fallback to base theme for missing markers