Unity3D地形环境编辑器扩展EasyRoads3D Pro的道路创造和参数化建模,创造道路快捷方便,现在也在开始或结束的道路混合,内置的参数化建模工具以及实例化的预制件是无穷无尽的功能。
栅栏,树篱,墙壁,管道,树线,桥梁,火车轨道系统或任何其他类型的几何形状沿着路径,只需要几次点击即可构建几何,需要Unity 4.3.2或更高版本。
- 风景优美的环境和复杂的城市道路网络中的蜿蜒道路或泥路。
- 内置可定制的交叉口
- 自定义交叉口 – 导入您自己的交叉模型
- 侧面物体:桥梁,护栏,围栏,墙壁,电源线等
- 为铁路和河流等其他基础设施定制形状
- Terrains符合道路形状,草/树移除,可选道路形状烘烤在地形splatmap
- 用于真实世界可视化的道路数据导入(OSM / KML)
- 脚本API:在Unity编辑器和运行时通过代码创建道路
Unity 2018.3: Dynamic Connection source prefabs can now be fully edited in the Unity 2018.3 prefab system.
The Snap Connector. These are small road type specific single prefab connectors that can be added to other prefabs. Scene instances of this road type can be pulled out or snapped to these connectors. This can be used for roads attached to other prefabs like buildings or bridges but also for side objects for which a “road type” is created. For example a gate with walls or fences attached. Snap Connector prefabs can be generated in General Settings > Road Types > Create Snap Connector (button near the bottom in the Inspector).