首页Unity3D资源U3D动画MMO RPG Camera Controller v3.5 - Unity角色控制系统

MMO RPG Camera Controller v3.5 – Unity角色控制系统


MMO RPG Camera Controller是Unity的角色控制系统,要求Unity 5.1.2或更高版本。

∗ Introduced new RPGMotor variable “Move With Moving Ground”. If set to true, the
character will stay on moving objects like moving platforms
∗ Introduced new RPGMotor variable “Rotate With Rotating Ground”. If set to true, the
character will rotate with rotating objects while standing on them
∗ Introduced new RPGMotor variable “Ground Object Affects Jump”. If set to true, the
jumping direction gets affected by the (moving) object the character was standing on
∗ Introduced new RPGCamera variable “Rotation Stopping Input” for setting which
input should be pressed to pause automatic camera rotation with the character (only
usable if “Rotate With Character” is set to “Rotation Stopping Input”)
∗ Introduced new RPGCamera variable “Alignment Input” for setting which input
should be pressed to align the character’s view direction with the camera view
direction (only usable if “Align Character” is set to “On Alignment Input”)
∗ Updated the demo scenes for the new features
∗ Updated the GUI layout
∗ Updated the manual for using the RPGCamera with Unity’s ThirdPersonController
standard asset
∗ Minor bugfixes



