Substance Painter是一款3D材质软件,可纹理制作,渲染和三维结合工作,使用该软件,可以使用一套完整的纹理工具,例如:PBR和粒子绘图,具有透明度控制的画笔,材质和智能蒙版的程序效果。
Substance Painter 2019 游戏作品展示
Substance Painter是一款全新的3D设计,可为我们以前从未见过的现代游戏创建质感,该软件可作为最具创新性和用户友好的3D材质绘图之一,选择画笔,选择材质并根据需要进行编辑,然后开始绘画,每个动作一次应用于所有通道并立即渲染,还可以在4K分辨率下为每个地图设计网格中的多种材质。

Substance Painter 材质视频展示
Substance Painter更新日志:
- [Mac][USD] Exported USDZ files from MacOS cannot be opened
- [Texture Set] Not possible to isolate a texture set with the ALT modifier
- [Shelf] Presets, Smart Materials and Smart Masks are always modified when exiting application
- [Layer Stack] Cannot select effect after deleting another effect
- Flickering when using a slider inside the tool properties panel
- Crash when exporting presets to shelf
- Crash when exporting a preset with insufficient space
- Crash when creating a preset with insufficient space
Known Issues:
- Alembic files with subdivisions cannot be imported
- Rare crashes when importing some Alembic files
- UI temporarily unresponsive when baking with DXR on Pascal GPUs
3.0 ???? 没看到官方的消息啊。。。。。