首页插件Maya插件Maya材质贴图导入工具Substance Painter importer v1.0.0 For Maya 2017

Maya材质贴图导入工具Substance Painter importer v1.0.0 For Maya 2017


Substance Painter importer帮助你的Substance Painter导入纹理和材质到Maya,从而提高Substance Painter到Maya的工作流程速度,它还支持udim工作流···



  • Copy SubstanceImporter.py file to your C:\Users\\Documents\maya\2017\scripts
  • Then paste those line in Maya script editor
    import SubstancePainterImporter
  • reload (SubstancePainterImporter)
    Convert your material and Enjoy

如何使用Substance Painter导入

  • Select your materials (even it’s not arnold material the tool will convert it) which you want to create substance materials for them.
  • Then run the tool and select your texture path then check on the material slots you need and write the name of the slot which
    exported from substance (you can directly copy and paste it from substance arnold export tab ).
  • Click on ‘Create materials’ your textures will be linked and your material paramters too based on substance to Maya arnold workflow
    (if your model is UDIM check the UDIM Checkbox then select the exported model from maya the obj file then click ‘Create materials’).
  • Note that your material shading group names shouldn’t has any space or underscore or dash or etc …..
    and your modelname ,material name,slot name should seperated by underscore(it’s default in substance painter),
    If you exported a model with UDIM from Maya the export name should has underscore,Dash,etc……
  • unfortunately Substance Painter Importer only supports aiStandard material for this version and it’s only for Maya 2017,later i will add more renders

7 条评论

  1. 精心制作的Unity3D最佳视觉保真度,完美的创造一个荒地环境,多分辨率像素非常详细和完美的无缝,结构调整为统一5标准和标准反射着色器,也测试了尤伯杯时使用网格,地形纹理PSD有alpha通道的光滑映射,网格的漫反射纹理是JPG,镜面光


