Amplify Shader Editor是Unity一种基于行业领先软件的基于节点的材质编辑器插件,它提供了一个熟悉的开发环境,无缝地融合了Unity的UI和Shader的使用,可以从Amplify Creations获得满意的质量和灵活性,需要Unity 5.4.5或更高版本。

- 着色器模板
- 着色器功能
- 自定义节点API
- 定制照明支持
- LOD交叉淡入淡出支持
- 实例支持
- 包含外部着色器文件的选项
- 着色器变体
- Unity 5.5 / 2017支持
- 放大纹理2支持
- 半透明和传输
- 视差映射
- 视差遮挡映射
- 基于距离的细分
- 其他节点和样本
- 模板缓冲区支持
- 多窗口支持
- 额外的着色器功能
New Template:
* Re-designed a new HD Lit template for SRP v6 and above
* Compatible with Unity’s default HD material inspector
New Node:
* Voronoi
* Added support for HDRP v6xx over Unity 2019.2
* HDRP v5xx now set as legacy and moved into the SRP (Legacy) folder
* LWRP templates remain the same between v5 and v6
* ‘Swizzle’ node is now non-destructive when connecting data with less info than selected options
* Added tag system to node search and improved how nodes are searched
* Now words don’t have to be in the same order of the name to match
* Reactivated SRP Batcher compatibility
* Each UnityPerMaterial Cbuffer set in pass now contains all declared property variables
* Improved editor performance by only refreshing when needed and only updating previews that are necessary to update
* Texture array auto sorting on texture drop over Texture Array tool
* Directives can now be written both before or after (via mouse drag ) to native directives detected on template
* Added dropdown for custom editor in templates that contain the HD material inspector
* ‘Depth Fade’ and ‘Screen Depth’ can now be used on vertex shader
* Improved and optimized node search on context menu
* Node developers can now associate tags to their nodes
* Small improvement to shader function properties order when multiple shader functions are inside each other
* Improved ‘Noise Generator’ node
* Added new Gradient type
* Added new option to auto set noise generator values to a 0-1 range
* Added new scale input port to scale its Size input
* Extended Port options versatility when declared on SubShader (API)
* Shader Properties default values can now be set through the SetShaderProperty action (API)
* Refactored templates paths
* Fixed division by zero issues on ‘Blend Operations’ node
* Fixed VR stereo issue in Standard Surface custom shadow caster
* Fixed issue with reorderable properties in shader function being stuck when two or more of the same SF was used inside another one
* Fixed incorrect variable naming on certain operations over both ‘Transform Position’ and ‘Transform Direction’ nodes
* Fixed issue on Input Port internal wrapper creating float3x3 with float4x4 contents * Minor tab fixing on Unlit template
* Fixed issue on HD templates Auto-Importer
* Fixed issue on not always capturing the template custom inspector correctly
* Fixed compatibility issue with ‘Diffusion Profile’ node on Unity 2019.3
* Fixed issue on all templates not being available to choose over the Creates > Amplify Shader menu
* Fixed issue on Unlit absolute mode
* Fixed issue on both Lightweight templates absolute mode
* Fixed issue on ‘World Space View Dir’ node preview
* Fixed blinking window when ‘Add’or ‘Mul’ nodes are dynamically changing their input ports
* Fixed issue with detection loop function that was causing massive slow downs on node connection on big graphs
* Fixed multiple issues with new Lit template
* ‘Face’ and ‘Switch By Face’ now correctly work on the latest HDRP version
* Fixed multiple issue on latest HD Lit template
* Fixed issue when selecting shaders on Unity 2019.3
* Fixed incorrect local variable generation on multiple nodes over Standard