Arnold 渲染作品集合

- Faster GPU cache pre-population.
- Arnold RenderView now displays properly with High DPI monitors.
- Improvements in the Operators UI for Standins / Alembic.
- Added option in ARV to clear the whole arnold session when IPR is stopped. When IPR is restarted, the whole scene is converted from scratch (as with Update Full Scene).
- aiUserDataColor now supports RGBA data, with an alpha channel.
- All matrix parameters in shaders can now be exported in motion blur
- Added more options for exported node names, to control the namespacing as well as the hierarchy separator
- MaterialX exporter allows to export hierarchy with slash separators, in order to work with exported alembic files
- Maya Playblasts can be generated from the Arnold Viewport.
- Fixed 3.2.0 regressions in Maya Ramp shading
- Fixed 3.2.0 regressions in Projection shader results
- Fixed 3.2.0 regression in Image plane when displayMode=None
- Fixed vector displacement order with tangent maps
Important information about Arnold GPU (beta)
Check the system requirements before using Arnold GPU. If you don’t have a supported card or the required drivers, GPU rendering will not work.
Review the list of supported features and known limitations before you start using Arnold GPU.
If you have any technical problems, questions, or feedback on Arnold GPU, use the beta forum on Arnold Answers