FLIP Fluids是Blender一款功能强大的液体模拟插件,可让我们在Blender中创建高质量的电影流体效果!
FLIP Fluids

FLIP Fluids addon是一种现代化的基于FLIP的流体解算器,已经开发了三年多,经过一年多的开发,专注于将模拟器紧密集成到Blender中作为插件。
创建FLIP流体模拟器是为了改进Blender内部Elbeem流体模拟系统的许多方面,如速度,性能,准确性,可定制性和用户体验。使用熟悉且直观的仿真工作流程,因此如果有内部流体模拟器或其他流体模拟软件的经验,将能够立即启动并运行FLIP Fluids!
- Windows,MacOS或Linux操作系统
- Blender 2.79(64位)或Blender 2.80(64位)
- CPU 64位Intel®或AMD®多核处理器
- 最低8 GB RAM,强烈建议使用16 GB或更多RAM内存
version 1.0.5 (04 Jun 2019)
- Added support for Blender 2.80 (Experimental until official release. See known issues.)
- Added a surface tension solver
- Added sheeting effects feature
- Added meshing options to remove parts of surface mesh near the domain boundary
- Added meshing options to set offset for fluid-solid mesh interface
- Added meshing feature to set a custom object as a meshing volume. Only fluid inside of this object will be meshed.
- Added option to skip re-exporting animated meshes
- Added settings and option to set a custom baking frame range instead of using the timeline start/end values
- Added a savestates feature which gives the ability to rollback a simulation and resimulate from an earlier frame
- Added a ‘Beginner Friendly Mode’ to preferences that limits UI to only show the most basic and commonly used parameters
- Added a Basic/Advanced settings mode for Whitewater panel
- Added feature to control amount of whitewater generated by Obstacle objects
- Fixed bug where using world scaling would cause incorrect distribution of generated whitewater particles
- Fixed ‘ResourceWarning’ error when disabling and re-enabled addon
- Fixed bug that would cause bumpy mesh artifacts on edges of domain
- Fixed bug where bake would continue to run after closing Blender
- Fixed bug where Blender could crash while rendering in Cycles with the viewport open
- Fixed bug where copper preset could be loaded as coffee preset
- Fixed ‘Value must be greater or equal to zero’ error that could be triggered if domain bounding box is too thin
- Fixed bug where deleted objects could be exported to the simulator
- Fixed bug where particles could escape the domain and trigger an ‘Out of Range’ error
- Fixed precision error what could cause fluid meshes to be scaled incorrectly
- Fixed bug where the ‘Reload Frame’ operator could ignore reloading a frame
- Fixed bug where the intersection between inversed obstacles would be computed as solid instead of empty
- Fixed issue where Blender could crash during animated mesh export
- Fixed Linux/MacOS bug where a simulation could stop in the middle of baking. Huge thanks to Christian Schwarz for helping us solve this issue!
- Setting inflow ‘Substep Emissions’ to 0 will cause the inflow only emit fluid on the first substep of a frame
- Misc material and preset library fixes
- Improved collisions with thin obstacles
- Improved forward/backward compatibility of .blend files between addon versions
- Performance improvements
- Simulation stability improvements
- Mesh generation improvements
FLIP Fluids是Blender一款功能强大的液体模拟插件,可让我们在Blender中创建高质量的电影流体效果!