Mesh Baker是Unity的网格烘培系统,他结合网格和材质来减少绘制调用,现在还包含自己的纹理打包器!
Unity官方 | Mesh Baker | 文件大小:382 MB | 文件数量:709

Mesh Baker特征:
- 适用于任何材质和着色器
- 全面的多种材料支持
- 组合和自定义蒙皮网格
- 自动调整UVs,法线,切线
- 烘烤平铺纹理
- 全面的光照贴图支持
- 未触及源资产
- 简单,无脚本,5分钟内学习
- 运行时API
- 可以处理负面缩放
- Added a “Replace Prefabs In Scene Window”. This is useful for switching prefabs in the scene with the optimized versions created with the Batch Prefab Baker.
- Fix bug with Skinned Mesh bones error that would prevent updating combined skinned meshes if source meshes shared bones. Configure newly created Mesh Bakers so they use the settings from the MeshBakerGrouper.
- Added workaround for bug in 2018.X where a SerializedObject for a prefab would become corrupt when the prefab is instantiated.
- Fixed formatting for many script files. Added a namespace (DigitalOpus.MB.MBEditor). Editor scripts have been added to this namespace.