Toonkit for Cycles是Blender用于NPR,PSR和带循环的时尚渲染。

ToonKit为Cycles实现前两个LineArt解决方案。它快速,稳定,几乎可以实时提供视口预览。Sampleized Shader适用于个人版本,适用于所有人,而确定版本仅适用于Professional。
ToonKit Professional作为插件完全集成在Cycles和Blender节点系统中。完全符合Cycles Nodes的工作流程。
Toonkit for Cycles更新日志:
Preview 2
- [FIX] Problem with Reloading Shaders at startup was fixed
- [NEW] Added new Shader Selector (Select Shader per View Layer!)
- [FIX] Fixed updates on frame change.
- [FIX] Fixed Blender 2.8 name conventions
- [FIX] Parented Lamps now have correct position and rotations
- Update Core Redone to support node groups
- Due many changes starting on this version toonkit will be only compatible with Blender 2.8x.
- Faster Update System. Only call updates when there’s a update on the scene. Reduce the charge in the CPU when using many materials
- Rework in the Code to much better redeability and organization.
- Rework in the Core node/material system. All Light/Shading/Shadows nodes was integrated in only one dynamic node called Lamp Shading.
- Scene Light nodes (Such EasyToon) do not needs Scene Light Info node anymore. So it’s removed.
- Light Info Node was reworked in a more generical Object Info.
- [FIX] Specular now is based on Shading + Shadow. it reduce problems in border areas
- [NEW] New LineArt Node: Unified all LineArt modes in one single node.
- [NEW] EasyToon: Now implements global Line Rendering.
- [NEW] EasyToon: Specular are now configurable per Lamp in the Light Toonkit Settings. It includes Specular Color, Smoothness and Usage
- [NEW] EasyToon: If is using Cell ignore the smoothness of lights to better correctness
- [NEW] EasyToon: Use Lamp Radius to limit the specular influence in Point Lights
- [NEW] Easytoon: Added final shader output for direct usage
- [NEW] Easytoon: Added to main menu to better discoverability
- [NEW] New Toonkit Render Settings with global Line Rendering settings.
- [NEW] New Toonkit Light Settings for Specular.
- Better auto tile setup for faster CPU rendering in blender 2.8
- Better Default values for many parameters in UI and Shaders
[新] 添加了对 blender 2.93 的支持!
[新] 重新设计了镜面反射工作流程。
[新] 灯罩中的单元格设置现在可用
[新] EasyToon 中现在可以使用阴影作为颜色输出
[新] 两个新样本:蜻蜓和卡通骑士