资源版本:V5.6.1 F1 官方地址:DEMO 资源标签:可视化,Unity |
Unity Pro三维可视化游戏开发互动动画软件V5.6.1 F1 Win x64信息:
Unity3D是由Unity Technologies开发的一个让玩家轻松创建诸如三维视频游戏、建筑可视化、实时三维动画等类型互动内容的多平台的综合型游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。
Android: Fixed capture of EGL calls when using Mali Graphics Debugger.
Graphics: Added a function to allow cube map textures to be compressed from script similar to their Texture2D counterparts.
Graphics: Improved CopyTexture/ConvertTexture handling in Metal.
MacOS: Added Appstore category field to player settings and improved info.plist generation.
MacOS: Support Visual Studio for Mac as an External Script Editor. Opens .sln (solution) file when double clicking a script.
Networking: Added new statistical functions allowing measure bandwidth per connection per host or per lib.
Physics 2D: Added Editor Tooltip for EdgeRadius property on BoxCollider2D, EdgeCollider2D and CompositeCollider2D.
Physics 2D: Allow user to turn on/off collision/trigger exit callbacks when a Collider2D is disabled.
Physics 2D: Improved API documentation for ContactFilter2D.
Physics 2D: Improvements to ContactFilter2D including being able to specify collision normal range crossing zero and expose ability to filter using the managed ContactFilter2D rather than just use it to pass to native queries.
Unity Ads: Updated native binaries to 2.1.0.
Video: Improved error reporting for incompatible webm files.
Video: Updated API docs to reflect that a few hooks were unimplemented for now.
2D: Sprite Batching is enabled by default.
VR: GPU skinning can be enabled for Android VR. This is experimental, and behavior and performance should be verified on target devices.
2D: Added POT options in TextureImporter for Sprite. (884926)
2D: Fixed a misleading warning when using Sprite in ‘Polygon Mode’ for tiling in SpriteRenderer. (889106)
2D: Fixed an error message “Dynamic batching: index buffer destination/source is NULL” when dragging a blank sub-sprite to scene. (890858)
2D: Fixed an occasional crash when SpriteRenderer.size was set multiple times in a single frame. (898946)
2D: Fixed Sprite data not copy when using EditorUtility.CopySerialized. (884970)
2D: Fixed the issue of SpriteRenderer not rendering Sprite in tiling mode when tile size was too big. (891644)