Vegetation Studio是Unity植被布局和渲染系统,旨在取代Unity地形组件中的标准树和细节系统,基于一套灵活的规则在地形上生成植被,并使用纹理和多边形蒙版进行控制。

On Unity 2019.x the latest version of the job and collection packages are required. Improvements -Added Quality Manager component. -Added Predictive cell loader system. -Setting to disable Instanced Indirect rendering on spesific platforms. -Added new HeightOffsetRange rule for controlling rocks lowered in the terrain -Added TreeCreator wind controller -Added custom speedtree 8 shader that supports instanced indirect. Changes -Updated name changes on some job functions. Fixes -Extended ListExtention to work better with IL2CPP on some plaforms -Fix for inspector draw error on TextureMask tab of Vegetation System Pro component. -Fix for Unity Terrain inspector showing a duplicate inspector warning in Unity 2019.1+ -Fix for compile error in 2019.3 alpha – ScreenshotUtility.cs
1.2 PRO版没测试~